You can stop hair loss with and applying these three stages of the hair growth.Your hair follicle adheres to a genetically programmed schedule that includes growth, resting and hair shedding, then the regrowth of new hair. During its lifetime, a human hair goes through three stages:
Stage 1 - Anagen
Scalp hair follicles enter the hair growth phase and synthesize hair for a period of 2 - 5 years at a rate of about 6 inches (15 cm) per year. Thus a hair 2 feet (60 cm) in length would be about four years old at the end, and only a month or so old near the scalp. In general, 85% of the scalp hair is in the anagen phase. Eyelash follicles, and the follicles for hair on your arms and legs, have a growth stage lasting only a few months, the resultant hairs that they produce are short.
Stage 2 - Catagen
This is a short transitional stage, The follicle becomes physically smaller as the lower portions of the follicle are absorbed by the body, and ceases to make hair.
Stage 3 - Telogen
A resting stage lasting two to four months, after which it sheds the hair shaft. Only 15% of your hair is resting at any one time. The hair follicle relaxes its hold on the hair shaft bulb, and the bulb of the hair shaft moves closer to the surface of the skin. Over time the hair shaft loosens and eventually the hair is shed. At the end of the resting stage, the old hair falls out, the follicle enlarges, and a new growth cycle starts and a new hair shaft begins to grow.
Stage 1 - Anagen
Scalp hair follicles enter the hair growth phase and synthesize hair for a period of 2 - 5 years at a rate of about 6 inches (15 cm) per year. Thus a hair 2 feet (60 cm) in length would be about four years old at the end, and only a month or so old near the scalp. In general, 85% of the scalp hair is in the anagen phase. Eyelash follicles, and the follicles for hair on your arms and legs, have a growth stage lasting only a few months, the resultant hairs that they produce are short.
Stage 2 - Catagen
This is a short transitional stage, The follicle becomes physically smaller as the lower portions of the follicle are absorbed by the body, and ceases to make hair.
Stage 3 - Telogen
A resting stage lasting two to four months, after which it sheds the hair shaft. Only 15% of your hair is resting at any one time. The hair follicle relaxes its hold on the hair shaft bulb, and the bulb of the hair shaft moves closer to the surface of the skin. Over time the hair shaft loosens and eventually the hair is shed. At the end of the resting stage, the old hair falls out, the follicle enlarges, and a new growth cycle starts and a new hair shaft begins to grow.